Whelp, I'm screwed!
This weekend's been absolute dogshit! My computer died and the engine light flew on for my car. At minimum, I'm looking at having to buy either a replacement mobo or power supply, if not both. If the car light's not a false positive...I don't even wanna think about it. My job doesn't earn me nearly enough to cover a worst case scenario of this.
I've had commissions open for 'bout half a year now with no bites whatsoever. Not even scammers. That's certainly a punch to the old ego I'll admit, but pride is a luxury I can't afford right now. I need to be commissioned right now. I need it or I'm fucked, so consider this to be me, on my hands and knees, begging.
My commission details can be found:
My commission email is:
narratorway (at) gmail (dot) com
Or you can DM me through the sites listed in my commission deets.
Not going to lie, shit sucks right now. I'll never forget it if you can help me make it suck less.