Coconut doggo!
Coconut doggo!
It's hard to see the phrase "Dance (word with two syllables) Dance" and not hear David Bowie singing with a buncha muppets.
God, I'm old...
Side note: That last frame was NOT rated E for everyone!
How old is her computer!? Lady, do you not know what Amazon is? You're a demon queen of Hell! You should ABSOLUTELY know what Amazon is!
I know this is a Vermintide reference.
I KNOW this.
But then ya talk about man-sized rats on the way to church, which is pretty much how Bloodborne starts out...
You're as coooold as ice!
You're willing to saaaaacrifice ouuur loooove!
Too old to '23. Too young to '24. Born to die. World is a fuck.
Divine poetry right here.
mighty is mighty is as is strong for the truth. dotn let hater do the hokeypokey on yer down fall. embrace the manhood that is to come.
Don't do milk, stay in drugs, drink your school
"The WacHappy meal toys are for, y'know...?"
"Bitch, did I stutter?"
"Coming to bed honey?"
"Yes dear."
Run's dead.
Art and Animation enthusiast currently and callously using Newgrounds as a dumping ground for adult content.
of Rock
Joined on 9/3/21