Art and Animation enthusiast currently and callously using Newgrounds as a dumping ground for adult content.


of Rock


Joined on 9/3/21

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Narratorway's News

Posted by Narratorway - 11 hours ago

So a lot of updates I intended to initiate at the beginning of the year got pushed back that I've only now been able to complete. Lets go through them:

I'm now opening commissions for animations!


I honestly didn't see the point for the longest time in providing pricing for animations as they are an incredibly large investment to price for, but I've reconsidered since the only commission I've been given was for an animation! I've now updated my commission info with this option and updated contact info as well.

Monthly Platform Content:

I've updated both my Patreon and Subscribestar-Adult platforms considerably since I first opened them. There is now a free membership available for both with access to my collection of previously released material all at one convenient location.

For paid memberships, there's early releases of new material such as wips, but more importantly, I've committed to a much more consistent schedule. I am now creating nsfw animated loops that will be released a month early on both platforms for those who subscribe to the $2 'Pillar of the Community' or higher tiers. The current loop is available for viewing right now at Patreon and Subscribesta-Adult. This is alongside the projects that are still in-progress and will be updated regularly.

So my situation took a turn for the drastic very early on this year in financial terms, so I've been a bit stressed ngl. I don't know what other people do to get these platforms to work for them (because they don't give me straight answers when I ask), but I can say I've posted consistently every single week with new content ever since I started them. Subscribing to me doesn't just keep you up to date with the latest I have to offer, its an investment that will allow me to go even further. I have a lot of projects I'm ready to work on, but I can't do it alone. Give me a chance, and I will knock your socks off!



Posted by Narratorway - March 19th, 2024

First things first: A shoutout to @EyeSores for being the one that put us to 400 fans! Congratulations and thank you!

So first things first: I started a Patreon!

It's under review...

UPDATE: It's been approved, so I have a Patreon now too!

However I also started a Subscribestar and Ko-Fi, which are now fully open. Ko-fi offers one-time donations, so if you don't want to commit to a subscription, you can go there to offer support as I'm basically making it a tip jar for the time being. Subscribestar seems to be largely identical to Patreon in functionality, with tiered subscriptions for support that offer different perks. As of right now, I don't have the financial stability to offer much more beyond WIPs, updates and early access to completed projects, but if enough support is provided, I can expand.

One perk I intend to offer is alternate variations of my animations and right now, if you sign up for the $10 tier on my Subscribestar, you get access to an alt version of my last animation:

So this is the big leap for me. It means they'll be some big changes one way or the other, but support from you folks who value my work will be the determining factor on if I'm able to continue making it.

RIght now, I have one animation to finish up:


After this, I'll begin my next projects with these platforms in mind.

Things were pretty dire last we spoke and that hasn't changed too much, except for two key moments. One was my tax return, which has allowed me a lifeline and my 'promotion' at work from seasonal to regular employee. This promotion gives me access to options with the company that mean that if this last ditch effort to get some income through my art falls through, I can drop it entirely to focus on my current employment options, which I'd have to do. I don't want to, but I can breathe much easier now knowing I can if it comes to it.



Posted by Narratorway - January 23rd, 2024

Okay, so I gotta lotta things cleared out at the start of the year, the latest of which is this animation:


Which I'm using to gauge interest in being financially supported for making animations. Both here and in this post, I ask people to let me know if they would offer financial support if I opened a support platform such as Patreon or Subscribestar.

Everything on the backburner is cleared out until I can determine if moving forward with a support platform is worth the effort. So if you enjoy my work enough to support me, please let me know here in the comments, in DMs or on Twitter.


Posted by Narratorway - September 29th, 2023

Still only just scraping by, so new content's going to be...well, it'll happens when it happens if it happens at all. I've made my peace. In the meantime...

Tom's art updoot justified one of my own. A few pieces had alts placed in the comments


Anyway, such pieces have now been upgraded to equal status and thus, equal resolution to their original counterparts. The stacked layer icon on the thumbs will show which one's have alts. Enjoy!



Posted by Narratorway - August 4th, 2023

Whelp, I'm done.

Chair's been broken for a while, but now it's to the point where I can't work on art for more than a few minutes before my back starts screaming and I don't have the money to replace it. So now it's over.

I've had commissions open since the beginning of the year and in all that time, I've had one single person contact me who backed out cause they didn't use Paypal. I won't say I get it, but it does suck to feel like you're being ghosted. I won't say my art's the cream of the crop, but I'd say it gets a decent amount of views/faves. I see people posting commission work all the time that I'd say I'm at least on par with and their price tags are a lot higher than mine are!

It bums me out because I like making art. I love drawing and I love animating. I made as much as I could back in the day, but I also had to eat, so instead of doing what I loved, I broke my back on multiple labor jobs just so I could keep my head above water and ten years of that accomplished savings amounting to six months of living expenses. So I decided to do this because it didn't matter. Either path was just staving off the inevitable, but I wanted to look back on my life and say at least I was able to do something I enjoy. I just wanted to be happy for once and I was happy doing this. Just wish it could've lasted longer.

Look, the 'tl;dr' take-away from this is pretty much, if you want to see more art from me, commission me. I just flat out need the money. I'll prolly keep shitposting in BBS and I got some old finished pieces I might add to the gallery at some point, but if I suddenly go dark, this post should make it pretty unambiguous what happened. Assuming anyone even notices...



Posted by Narratorway - June 25th, 2023

Holy shit! 300 solid ass follow'ns?! Damn! That's...kinda jaw-dropping honestly. I'm don't know how to thank y'all other than...y'know...thank you!

Times have been tough as my previous post noted, but I aint homeless yet. Lost the comp, so I gotta make due with an emergency backup laptop that's finicky and runs like ass. Need funds to bring me back from the brink, so as always, please feel free to contact me for commissions.

In the meantime, I still got projects in the works and I'll give another status update soon with samples of what I'm working. Gonna keep it out of this semi-celebratory post so this can be E for everybody and you know how I do!

So thanks again for the support! I'll do my best not to let y'all down!


Posted by Narratorway - May 14th, 2023

Whelp, I'm screwed!

This weekend's been absolute dogshit! My computer died and the engine light flew on for my car. At minimum, I'm looking at having to buy either a replacement mobo or power supply, if not both. If the car light's not a false positive...I don't even wanna think about it. My job doesn't earn me nearly enough to cover a worst case scenario of this.

I've had commissions open for 'bout half a year now with no bites whatsoever. Not even scammers. That's certainly a punch to the old ego I'll admit, but pride is a luxury I can't afford right now. I need to be commissioned right now. I need it or I'm fucked, so consider this to be me, on my hands and knees, begging.

My commission details can be found:


My commission email is:

narratorway (at) gmail (dot) com

Or you can DM me through the sites listed in my commission deets.

Not going to lie, shit sucks right now. I'll never forget it if you can help me make it suck less.



Posted by Narratorway - March 19th, 2023

I have updated my commission info to allow NSFW requests!


With the completion of my current animated project, I decided the next thing to tackle was updating my commission info to include adult content. That's right, I'm going sicko mode! I have 10 slots available!



Posted by Narratorway - January 17th, 2023

I guess this could be viewed as a New Years Resolution. Gonna try and be more active about what I work on as I focus more and more on animations, which can involve long turn around times and so a lotta dead air in the interim. So what's on the docket?

Finished the animation I've been working on! Now it's time for a lil break from animating and get some art practice in.


This is a more long term project that will most likely take the entire year to complete, but it'll be something I can fit into the space between completed works.

The rest of my time will be filled with illustrations, but I'm also likely to be forced to go back into the labor force real soon, which will cut into production time obviously. Unfortunate, but I've tried the commission angle and I'm getting no bites whatsoever. I'm STILL open for them though for the time being!

Sooooo yeah. This is where everything's at as of this moment! Exciting, terrifying and all that good jazz!



Posted by Narratorway - December 10th, 2022


I have opened up my commissions! I'm going to be starting with 5 slots available as it's the holiday season, but it will open up after the new year.

Details are available HERE

You can contact me at narratorway@gmail.com